7. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas | The Odyssey Online
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10 Movies That Are Guaranteed To Make You Cry

Ugly crying is good for the soul!

10 Movies That Are Guaranteed To Make You Cry

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I think everyone can enjoy a good cry sometimes, and it can be even better when it's because of a great movie. I'll try my best to give as much detail about why it made me cry without spoiling it for everyone!

1. A Walk to Remember


This classic is undeniably one of the saddest movies I have ever seen. Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors, so most of his movies will definitely be on this list.

This movie was filmed in my hometown so it is an even bigger deal of how great this movie is every time I watch it. I have probably seen it about fifty times but the love and sadness from Jamie and Landon never go away. It was Mandy Moore's character, Jamie, that made me stop caring what people thought about me and my appearance in high school.

2. The Hate U Give


The Hate U Give was one that I have recently seen, and I was extremely impressed. After the movie, I sat in my car and just cried. The many struggles of being black in America and issues with police brutality were portrayed beautifully in this movie.

Even if you're not black, this movie is something everyone should watch because it shows the lives of other demographics in an insightful yet heartfelt way.

3. The Notebook


The Notebook is one of the most classic love stories that has ever been created. I think this is a movie that can be appreciated by women and men, which is rare with love and romance films. Noah and Allie's love has inspired many since the creation of this movie.

One of the most memorable quotes from the movie is, "If you're a bird, I'm a bird."

4. The Fault in Our Stars


I know most movies that include someone being ill or suffering from a terminal disease are sad, but The Fault in Our Stars is a movie that is more than about terminal illnesses. It's about teens who are looking for support from others. Not only do they find that in each other, but they also find love as well.

For young adults and teenagers, the support and friendship that the two characters had in this move are inspiring.

5. The Longest Ride


Again, Nicholas Sparks is a genius when it comes to love and romance movies to make your cry. I warned you that many of his movies would end up on this list, so this the third so far.

First, Scott Eastwood was no doubt a great choice to get anyone's attention. You cannot deny that man's good looks. This movie was a big deal in my hometown because there were scenes filmed there, similar to A Walk to Remember.

With Sophia in college and falling in love with a champion bull rider, it gave me ideas of how I wanted my love life to be in college. I never thought about dating a bull rider until I saw this movie, so thanks Mr. Sparks! I'll be waiting for my cowboy to show up on my doorstep.

6. My Girl


If you haven't seen this movie, then you're definitely missing out. Well, maybe it's good that you haven't seen it or you would be drenched in tears. Whether you're a child, teen, or adult, this move can touch many. I think that's what makes this move so adored.

The inspiring, yet simple friendship between two children brings me back to the simpler times of life. The tragic ending may have made me afraid of bees, but it still definitely brought out my ugly tears.

7. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


I actually read this book in middle school, so this is the only movie on this list where I have read the book and seen the movie. I wasn't going to watch the movie because everyone kept telling me that the book is nothing compared to the movie. They said that is was much sadder. I didn't believe that those things could be true, but I was definitely wrong.

There were some differences from the book and the film as it is for most movies based off of a book. I think this movie brought out every tear that I had in my body at the time. I will say that the sad parts didn't get to the point of crying, in my opinion, until towards the end. Throughout most of the movie, I thought everyone was exaggerating about the film like I thought until the end hit me.

8. A Little Bit of Heaven


This movie is one of those that you just happened to stumble across on Netflix after you feel like you've seen every movie on there. Ever since that time, I have never forgotten about this movie since. This movie was so good that I even bought the DVD as soon as I saw it in the store. This movie stood out to me because the main character that was dealing with cancer wasn't fazed by it at first. Yes, she was shocked and of course, didn't want to have cancer. She just continued to act like she was okay and even tried to prevent getting close to people.

In many movies involving cancer, the characters are usually looking for that last bit of love or an adventure of a lifetime. This character wasn't and still fell in love in the one place she didn't think she would.

9. Midnight Sun


This movie was interesting because it involved a terminal illness that I still don't even fully understand, but it was an extremely sad movie. It wasn't your typical cancer movie, which was one thing that made it stand out. It involved a different illness that still had the same effect on the audience as if it was cancer.

After only seeing Bella Thorne in Shake it Up, this was definitely a new role to see her play. If I must say so myself, she played it well. After the film was over, I sat on the couch crying to the point where a friend thought something had happened to me.

10. The Last Song


This is the fourth of the Nicholas Sparks films on this list. This movie is definitely a crier film. It's even more touching because of the real-life love story of Liam and Miley, aside from the one in the movie.

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