18. "Cheetah Girls: One World" | The Odyssey Online
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18 Films You Didn't Realize Turned 10 In 2018

Feeling old yet?


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I've officially reached the age when people talk about things happening 10+ years ago and I actually remember them happening. This small wonder of memory has made me consciously think about the fact that I am, in fact, two decades old and that when I talk about things from my childhood glory days there's a whole generation of kids out there who didn't grow up with them. For instance, there's a whole generation of kids alive now that didn't see "Hannah Montana" as it was airing on Disney Channel. Think about it. Feel old yet? If that small fact didn't already make you want to take a trip down memory lane, and/or sit down some younger siblings or cousins and make them watch all of your favorite childhood movies in a binge session over Thanksgiving, here are 18 films from our childhood that turned 10 in 2018.

1. "High School Musical 3: Senior Year" 

The DCOM series that gave a whole generation of kids waaaay to high of hopes for what high school was going to be. Still bummed 3 years after graduation there wasn't any singing.

2. "27 Dresses" 

The movie that introduced our entire generation to "Benny and the Jets."

3. "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"

The Holocaust book we all had to read in grade school but just watched this movie instead.

4. "College Road Trip" 

Thank goodness we can all look at colleges on the internet now instead of having to go cross country to see a school. Unless your parents are old-fashioned circa 2008 like mine and made you go anyway. Multiple times.

5. "The Dark Knight" 

Cue scary Batman and 10 years of my brother quoting "Why so serious?"

6. "Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both World's Concert"

Don't pretend you didn't see this and can't still sing every word of this song.

7. "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" 

We all wish we could forget about this one.

8. "Iron Man" 

4 Words: "I am Iron Man" ... and 10 years of cinematic dominance and 20+ movies have followed that we've all paid to see.

9. "Kung Fu Panda" 

Why does a Chinese panda sound like Jack Black?

10. "Mamma Mia!" 

And in 2018, we all said: "Here we go again."

11. "Marley and Me" 

We're still crying.

12. "Sex and the City" 

Never actually seen this, but there were enough other ones it must have been good.

13. "The Spiderwick Chronicles" 

Where these books only popular at my grade school?

14. "Taken"

Obviously, this girl needs better protection. She was taken 4 more times...

15. "Twilight" 

#teamneither #whywerewefightingaboutthis

16. "WALL-E"

I still don't get this movie.

17. "Camp Rock" 

May not have been the HSM dynasty, but they appeased us with a movie centered on the Jonas Brothers, so we were ok.

18. "Cheetah Girls: One World" 

Basically the Lizzie McQuire movie, but the Cheetah Girls.

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