Some of my most favorite movies come from my childhood. From "The Parent Trap" to "High School Musical" to "Mean Girls", these are just a few of the movies that never get old to me. I can sing just about every song from "High School Musical" word for word. I have successfully learned how to perform the "Jingle Bell Rock" dance from "Mean Girls". Watching these movies with my friends growing up are some of my favorite memories from my childhood. When I watch these movies today, I fell like a kid again. Here are 13 movies I loved watching growing up, and I am sure I am not the only one who watched these movies.
1. "The Parent Trap"
Two things went through your head while watching this: the fact that Lindsey Lohan was able to pull off playing twins and how long it took for Nick Parker and Elizabeth James to realize their girls switched places on them.
2. "Mean Girls"
Every time you would watch this, you would try your very best to nail the "Jingle Bell Rock" dance. The dance is so fetch.
3. "The Cheetah Girls"
The soundtrack from this movie was the BEST. Jam sessions with your friends in elementary school were not complete until you all danced to the Cheetah Girls.
4. "High School Musical"
After all these years, you can still sing every song word to word from this movie.
5. "Camp Rock"
Lets be honest, the only reason you watched this movie was because of the Jonas Brothers.
6. "It Takes Two"
No matter how old you get, you will always HATE Clarice Kensington. Also, you will never be able tell Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen apart in this movie.
7. "Cheaper by the Dozen"
This is the best feel good movie ever. Also, I will never understand how they managed to keep 12 kids under control (most of the time).
10. "Freaky Friday"
We all wanted to be Jamie Lee Curtis while she was riding the motorcycle with Chad Micheal Murray.
11. "She's the Man"
I will never understand how Violet attended an all-boys school for so long, impersonating her brother, and no one ever noticed she was a girl.
12. "The Lizzie McGuire Movie"
The end performance to "This Is What Dreams Are Made Of" is for sure the best part.
13. "Matilda"
Admit it, you tried so hard to move things with your mind after watching this movie.