Every now and then, a powerful movie comes along and challenges our thoughts and beliefs. Some movies grow up with us, and help us face the real world. People learn from films and, often, they bring awareness to viewers. Here are seven powerful movies that will definitely have an impact on your life.
1. Girl Rising
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Girl Rising profiles 9 young girls who dare to dream of getting an education. It depicts the incredible influence education has on girls and the unstoppable human perseverance. Although these girls face educational barriers their male counterparts do not, this film examines how educating girls can help end poverty, forced marriage, domestic slavery, lack of access to healthcare, discrimination, and gender discrimination and violence. Girls are the future.
2. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
I highly recommend you read the book first, but if you go into this movie cold then prepare to cry. This movie tells a story of the holocaust from the perspective of two 8-year-old boys for a friendship. This movie will make you realize the importance of history and learning from the past. Although your heart will rip apart, the movie
3. Forrest Gump
This is another movie that will pull at your heart strings, but in a good way. Forrest Gump is a complex movie, which ties in themes of acceptance, loyalty, and appreciation. Watching this movie is essentially a right of passage before maturity.
4. Good Will Hunting
Ah, if young Matt Damon isn't reason enough to change your life then I don't know what is. However, this movie is about breaking down your own barriers and fighting your inner demons. If you need inspiration for motivation then look no further than the floppy haired, young, misguided Matt Damon.
5. The Great Gatsby
Redford or Leo? Who is the true Gatsby? I'll let you decide which movie is better, but personally, I'm a fan of the original (I still love you, Leo). If you ever took a high school English class then your teacher probably forced "The Great Gatsby" on you, but when you watch this movie, after reading the book, it can be oddly relatable. Sure, not everyone is a mysteriously wealthy man who throws parties, but unrequited love? Well anyone can relate to that feeling. "The Great Gatsby" takes you on a fantastical journey and yet is somehow also quite sobering. In the real world, there isn't always a happy ending.
6. Lee Daniels' The Butler
Cecil works as a butler in the White House, as the title implies, and he gets a front row seat to see the presidents change America. This movie gives you a glimpse into history, and shows you what America is built on.
7. Silver Linings Playbook
Silver Linings Playbook brings mental health awareness to the foreground. This breakthrough movie teaches about redemption. Although you may not have experience with mental illness in your own life, this movie has themes about dealing with dysfunctional situations and the art of perseverance. Plus, Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper are everywhere, so why not see them some more?