6 Every Movie Lover Should See | The Odyssey Online
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6 Every Movie Lover Should See

Some of my favorite movies that I think everyone should see!

6 Every Movie Lover Should See
Movie Marker

I've never really been a big movie fan until the past couple of years but in the past couple of years I have stumbled upon some amazing movies. Comedy, horror, serious, dramatic, gory, you name it and I've probably seen a few movies from that category. Amongst all these genres of movie I have come to find my favorites and I figured I'd share them. Here are my favorite movies of all time!

1. "Pulp Fiction"

This is my favorite movie of all time, hands down. Arguably the best movie ever, even though IMDB says it is the 7th best. Quentin Tarantino, the director of this movie, is a genius. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be Mia Wallace. The cinematography rocks and the plot keeps you on your feet the whole time. Each scene connects to each other in such an interesting and unexpected way and I love it. This movie also has some of my favorite quotes ever. Not to mention the amazing soundtrack. There isn’t anything about this movie that I don’t love. It will forever be my favorite movie.

2. "Full Metal Jacket"

I’m not a big “war movie” kinda girl. In fact, nine times out of ten, I hate any movie about war, because war doesn’t interest me and it’s usually just shown for special effects and explosions. If I wanted that, I’d watch a Michael Bay movie. This movie is great though, it has a fantastic wow-factor and the plot keeps your attention the whole time. One thing I really love about this movie is the way the characters are portrayed and their character progression is shown.

3. "The Blind Side"

Alright, here's my girly movie. "The Blind Side" is a heart wrenching movie and will forever be a household favorite. Sandra Bullock is future mom goals for me in this movie. Not only is she sassy and bossy, but she's also compassionate and has an awesome wardrobe. The story of Michael Oher is one that touches my heart every time.

4. "The Shining"

This is my favorite scary movie of all time. I’m not big into gory horror movies so this movie still has the eerie feeling without all the gore. I appreciate Stanley Kubrick's take on this Stephen King novel. This movie has so many twists and turns and the actors and actresses picked for this movie make it even better. Jack Nicholson is perfect for the ominous character of Jack. The scene where he breaks through the door with an ax gives me chills every time. There's also a very good movie explaining a lot of minor details of this movie called "Room 237" that I would recommend to anyone who has seen "The Shining."

5. "Gone Girl"

I only recently watched this movie and I was a little bit late to seeing it, but man, it was a good one. The plot is very interesting and the way they set the timing of the movie is interesting too, but they do it in such a way that your attention is constantly on the movie and you’re just confused enough to still be interested.

6. "The Big Lebowski"

This movie is my favorite comedic classic of all time. The dude is truly an inspiration of mine. This movie takes you on a rollercoaster in the life of Jeff Lebowski, better known as "the dude." He gets caught up in a whirlwind all because someone soiled his carpet because they had him confused with another man. The Coen brothers did an excellent job with this movie and I would recommend it to anyone!
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