There's only a few weeks left until Halloween, which means it's time to start planning out your Halloween costume. Here is a list of highly pretentious but equally AMAZING ideas for movie-themed Halloween costumes, both individual and/or featuring a partner. From colored wigs brought to you by Ramona ("Scott Pilgrim v. the World") or Charlotte ("Lost in Translation") to the understated perfection of Detective Dale Cooper's classic suit and coffee mug, there's a variety of ways to really go all out this Halloween, for better or for worse. Spoiler alert: four of these movies are from none other than the costume master Wes Anderson.
1. "Pulp Fiction:" Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace
2. "The Royal Tenenbaums:" Margot and Ritchie Tenenbaum
4. "American Psycho:" Patrick BatemanÂ
5. "Blue is the Warmest Color:" Adele and Emma
6. "The Grand Budapest Hotel:" Zero and Agatha
7. "Casablanca:" Isla and Rick
8. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind:" Joel and Clementine
9. "Scott Pilgrim vs the World:" Ramona
10. "La La Land:" Sebastian and Mia
11. "Moonrise Kingdom:" Sam and Suzy
12. "Juno:" Juno and Paulie
13. "500 Days of Summer:" Summer and Tom
14. "Kill Bill:" Kill Bill and Gogo Yubari
15. "Donnie Darko:" Frank
16. "Twin Peaks:" Dale Cooper
17. "Lost in Translation:" Charlotte and Bob
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