The movie, “Get Out”, produced and filmed by, Jordan Peele was an extraordinarily accurate and creative depiction of the psychological trauma that has long existed within the Black experience. Watching it has brought each viewer through the eyes and soul of the Black man with a sort of comedic spin that encourages those to look deeper into the movie’s message. Thought provoking and relatable on all accounts of racial sensitivity between the Black and White community, the ability to connect the two worlds is incredible. The two worlds being that of the ole’ White and the ole’ Black. Introducing racial institutional mechanics that kept the Black man subordinate while successfully connecting it to the new marginalized racial mechanics that continues to trap the Black man to this day.
The movie has a great platform to work with by hiring actors that talently convey each characters secret motives, desires, and creative behaviors. Throughout the film there is a series of plot twist that entice the audience to keep watching.
There are no negatives to the film. Definitely a historical marker within the film industry and a step into discovering the the dark and prevalent truths of institutional racism.