7. "What an idiot." - Hermione Granger, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Movie Quotes That Describe The End Of The Semester Funk

Sometimes the best life advice is written by paid writers. We just have to listen.


Let's face it, November is not the all-star month. It's basically one long struggle until we reach the Thanksgiving holiday, only to be reminded that upon our not-so-glorious return to campus we will find ourselves thrust into the end-of-the-semester whirlwind of homework, papers, tests, projects, and final exams. Somehow, professors will manage to squeeze the same amount of work into 10 days that they did into the first month of classes. How? I honestly can't tell you, it's a mystery. And a miracle if we, the oh-so-lucky students, actually get everything done on time. Literally, the only thing to look forward to at this point is setting up your dorm or apartment holiday decorations, studying to Christmas tunes, and praying your way through exams to go home for the holidays.

But to get there, I find myself in serious need for some inspiration. And when all my creative juices are going into some essay or presentation, I don't have a lot to spare to come up with some inspirational motto. Luckily, there are people out there in the world that are paid to write things. Hey, they're even given awards if they're good enough! Even better, inspiration doesn't have to come from a book - like I have time to read for fun when I'm 865 pages into my American Literature anthology! I don't have time to hunt through an inspirational book to find a passage to get me to my Christmas break. Movies, on the other hand, offer quick one-liners that stick with us for a lifetime. So here, compiled for your convenience, are a list of 10 movie quotes to live by as you make your way to the end of the semester:

1. "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, What do we do? We swim, swim." - Dory, "Finding Nemo"  

Persistence is key. If you keep studying long enough, the homework pile will end. Or you'll fall asleep. Either is fine.

2. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris, "Ferris Bueller's Day off" 

Studying is important, but study breaks are important too! Don't miss out on some fun pre-holiday celebrations with your friends just because you're stuck at the library. You need the good times to refuel!

3. "You're killing me smalls!" - Ham, "The Sandlot"  

Am I the only person that thinks this at their professor this time of year? We've had 14 weeks to cover this already, and you're squeezing half the book into the last two weeks? What were were doing the last 3 months?!?!?!

4. "Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda, "The Empire Strikes Back" 

This just feels inspirational. And it's Yoda. But seriously, this is the kind of mentality that gets me through those exams. If I'm gonna do this, I might as well go all in.

5. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." - Johnny Castle, "Dirty Dancing" 

Unless it's the corner table at Starbucks. Then reserve that for me cause I'm studying there until midnight.

6. "Pull the lever, Kronk!" - Yzma, "The Emperor's New Groove" 

Well, I'm going down anyway. Might as well get to use a slide.

7. "What an idiot." - Hermione Granger, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" 

Hermione is me. I am Hermione. This is how I view every person cramming for the exam the night before. Or better yet, the people who just didn't study. Did you not take Yoda's advice????

8. "Right now, my life is a mess." - Olive, "Easy A"

This quote describes life in general, but somehow the end of the semester rush amps it up to 11.

9. "May the odds be ever in your favor." - "The Hunger Games" 

Let's face it: we've all said this to ourselves as we walk into our classes and exams in December.

10. "Crushed it." - Fat Amy, "Pitch Perfect" 

When you reach break: Hey, give yourself some credit. You did it! It's over! YOU CAN DO THIS!

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