Remember when you were younger and a movie ticket only cost seven dollars? Those days are over. With IMAX, 3D or DBox movie tickets can range from ten to 20 dollars! When you're going to college and working part-time in order to pay for said college, you don't have the luxury of being able to afford to go see every new "Jurassic Park" movie, "Star Wars" movie or "Avengers" movie that is now coming out at least once a year—sometime's twice a year!
Luckily, Movie Pass is here to solve that problem. If you haven't heard of it, Google it now. It's a gift from the God's—the movie God's, that is.
Creators, Stacey Spikes and Hamet Watt, founded Movie Pass in 2011, and I'm quite frankly disappointed in myself that it's taken seven years to get on the bandwagon! Don't make the same mistake I did. Unfortunately, MoviePass flopped in the begin after getting backlash from movie theater companies and not having a tight grasp on their business complex. But, last year, they made the big change to allow customers to pay a flat fee of almost ten dollars a month in order to be able to see a single movie a day. For example, you could go see a movie every single day of the month while only paying ten dollars! How amazing is that?
Let me example how this mystery magical phenomenon works.
There are three simple steps. First, you go on to the Movie Pass website and select to see their plan options. After selecting which plan you want, you then just fill out the information that is required and Movie Pass will then mail you a credit card. Unfortunately, the credit card takes about two weeks to get there so make sure you order it enough time in advance for the next big movie drop! After you get your card, you download the app and upload your card to your account. Make sure you have the location settings on. It makes life a whole lot easier. After that, go to your nearest movie theater, find the showtime you want, check in and then go to the ticket kiosk to get your ticket. I would recommend somewhere that is not reserved seating because that can turn into a big hassle, especially when you're going with friends.
Luckily, Movie Pass has figured out a solution to that problem as well! Movie Pass is going to roll out a new feature called, Bring-A-Guest. What does that mean? It means that when you're going out with friends, you can purchase their movie tickets with yours through your own Movie Pass app, that way when you go to a reserve seating theater, you won't have to play musical chairs and hope that no one reserved the one next to you when your friend's is on the complete other side. The best part? After the viewing, if your friend chooses to join your brilliant thinking and get a Movie Pass of their own, you will be reimbursed for the ticket you just purchased. Way to go Movie Pass!
Movie Pass is going to be the one monthly subscription you'll be glad that you're paying. Be smart. Get a Movie Pass.