1. The country music situation is vastly different
Redding has four great country stations that all play different kinds of country. My hometown has one that only plays top 40 country hits.
2. Panera. where for art thou Panera
I am more a fan of Panera Bread than anything else in the entire world. Too bad the closest one is HOURS AWAY
3. Dutch Bros Coffee
This will be my children. Starbucks is nice... I guess. But I don't go through Starbucks withdrawals, I do go through Dutch withdrawals.
4. Mexican food.
Redding has very few mexican restaurants, and they're okay, but we all know it's not the best it can be. Redding has a drive through Mexican restaurant that is attached to a gas station, and people actually eat there????
5. Did everyone just forget about the other Bay area sports teams?
I might be a little biased, but I really wish that the rest of the world would recognize these teams.
6. The air is... different
I know it's just because of the outdoorsyness of Redding, but I still miss the air when I'm in the Bay
7. Mountains.
8. Rain. Always rain.
Actually.. this year I've seen a lot of snow in the forecast. Guess it's time to buy clothes for real weather.
You are either frozen or melting. There is no in between.
10. The difference in drivers
You always know you're back in the Bay when some jerk-wad cuts you off on the freeway.