The morning started out exciting, ambitious, and with an eight hour drive ahead of us. Driving that far is sometimes scary and sometimes nerve wrecking, but I figured it would be okay as long as I didn't hit anyone.
Finally, getting to Richmond and seeing the exit for campus made me giddy like a little child. We're here, we're here!!
When I pulled up to the front of my dorm with two fully loaded down cars, I was nervous and worried about how we could possibly unload everything quickly and easily. Do I try to hold everything I possibly can or go a little at a time?! Will I mess this all up?!
*carries two boxes in down a flight of stairs after barely working out this summer*
I moved a few more things in and started to see the potential my room was going to have.
"Did all of this actually fit in here last year....?"
When my mom said that I maybe had too many clothes and I really just didn't care, because, hey Mom, I'm living here now?!
Explaining ideas for moving things around to my mom felt a little more like a creative project rather than a logical way for organizing my stuff.
My mom thought that I wouldn't be okay being here by myself.
Finally, everything was unpacked and ready and I realized that I would eventually have to say bye to my family.
After they left, though, I realized I was at my favorite place with all of my favorite people and I instantly felt better.
Welcome back to UR.