17 Reasons Why I Want To Move To Chicago | The Odyssey Online
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17 Reasons Why I Want To Move To Chicago

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve lived in a small town my entire life, and I’m so ready to move to Chicago! Here’s why you should too:

17 Reasons Why I Want To Move To Chicago

Higher Pay

Indiana’s minimum wage is killing my wallet… Like it’s ridiculous. No one can live on $7.25 an hour, I don’t know how other college students are making it because I’m barely making it. Chicago’s minimun wage is currently $11 and will rise to $12 in 2018.

An Awesome Transportation System

I’m a huge fan of cities with train systems (that sounded odd) and I love the CTA train and bus network. I think it’s great and it’s such an affordable option for people that don’t have cars or don’t always want to drop cash on an Uber or Lyft, which brings me to my next point:

You Don't Need A Car!

You’ll save so much money on gas every month. Currently, I’m paying around $3 a gallon for gas because my car takes premium… I’d LOVE not spending $60 filling up my gas tank twice a week! Also, you won’t have to sit in traffic if you’re on the train, which is an added bonus!

It's Incredibly Uber & Lyft Friendly

If you don’t want to take the train or bus, there’s always an Uber or Lyft around the corner ready to swing by and pick you up! Where I live now, it could take up to an hour just to be picked up by a ridesharing service. Insane, right?

Amazing Food

Both Bon Appetit magazine & Conde Nast Traveler voted Chicago the top food city in the country for 2017, so that should speak volumes. There’s always a new place popping up offering something classic with a new and trendy twist, too. You’ll never run out of new restaurants to try!

It's Beautiful

Have you seen the place?! Seriously. Everything is so picturesque! I love taking my camera with me on my little outings and snapping pics for my photography site (see photo above). If you’re interested in seeing more of my photos, head on over to tinyurl.com/ycnmd2x7 to see my photography site!

There's ALWAYS Something Going On

Like New York, Chicago never sleeps. There’s always something fun or interesting to do, especially on the weekends. In the summer there are many different festivals and events, including the Taste of Chicago, and Lollapalooza. And hey, if money’s tight, many museums and art galleries often offer free admission to students and city residents on weekends and during holidays. What more could a person want?

World-Class Shopping & Fashion

Magnificent Mile (also known as Mag Mile) in Chicago is home to many of the world’s most coveted fashion brands’ flagship stores. Walking down Mag Mile in the summer, shopping bags in hand, is one of my favorite things to do. When you’ve lived in a smaller town for a while, you start to notice that everyone wears tends to wear the same thing or a different color of the same thing… If fashion is your thing, and you’re not into cookie cutter styles, Chicago is the city for you!

Excellent Leadership

Chicago has incredible leadership. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s former Chief of Staff, just hosted the Chicago Climate Summit (C40), a group of 51 mayors from around the world representing over 61 million people, aimed at upholding the Paris Climate Accord, a set of motions put into place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. The group was formed after President Trump famously pulled the country out of the Accords in early 2017.

Incredible Job Market

Chicago’s job market has continued to rise to a five-year high, while its unemployment is just hovering under 6%. This shows very promising growth potential for future young professionals currently in college now!

A Neighborhood For Everyone

The City of Chicago possesses an amazing 77 lively, fun, neighborhoods. There’s literally something special for everyone. One of my favorite things to do in the city is finding hidden gems to grab a bite to eat or a cup of coffee. Some of my favorite neighborhoods in Chicago are: River North & the Loop (centrally located, great for young professionals), Gold Coast (better for older, more established folks looking to settle down), Lincoln Park (PERFECT for young, hip people looking for a home near the city center), and Hyde Park (up and coming, great food and great for people working in the medical field).

The Sports

Chicago is home to a plethora of sports teams. The city is one of only ten other cities in the U.S. to have team representation of all five of the major American professional sports (baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and soccer). There’s always a game to see during season play-time: Bears, Cubs, White Sox, Bulls, and Blackhawks. In addition, there’s also the Chicago Fire soccer team, and the women’s teams for basketball and soccer: Chicago Sky and Chicago Red Stars!

Cost of Rent/Living Compared to Other Cities

Many young people often take to big cities after graduation to seek employment and get their first apartments. While many choose places like New York or LA, here’s why they should pick Chicago: Gross rent in the city ranges from $1,400-$1,800. In New York, that number shoots up astronomically to nearly $2,300-$3,000 for places like Chelsea or Midtown, and don’t even THINK about trying to find a one-bedroom for that price. For $2,300, you could rent a luxury two bedroom in the loop… These facts, along with a relatively mid-range cost of living, means Chicago is a much better choice for young professionals. There’s also a variety of housing options! You could find a number of rather luxurious older, yet classy, brownstones in your price range with amenities like pools or gyms possibly included in your rent.


When I think of Chicago in the summer, I think of the beach! There are so many beaches in Chicago with total combined 29 miles of sand between all 23 (YES 23!!!), and there’s so many cool things you can do at the beach. There’s always some kind of Groupon for discounts on jet skis or Chicago boat architecture tours in the summer! AND MANY HAVE FREE WI-FI!

It's Clean

Compared to other major cities, Chicago is very clean. In the summer and winter you’ll often seen Loop Authority employees ordering the cleaning of streets and salting of sidewalks! That’s not something you’d see in New York or LA.

Close to Airports

If you’re a person that does a lot of regular travel, say for work or to see family, you’re in luck! Both of Chicago’s major airports are less than an hour away from downtown: O’hare International is 45 minutes away and Midway is only 25!

Incredible Opportunities

Chicago is home to a vast number of publicly traded corporations and many private organizations. There are so many opportunities for students to intern for companies like NBC or one of Chicago’s many law or advertising firms. There are also tons of other creatives in the city, so there’s no limit to what you can do with the power of collaboration! No matter what your passion is, there’s no doubt you’ll find something that interests you!

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