Today I woke up to a text message that we all hope to not receive.
A friend from my hometown high school sent me a news article with a text below:
Is your brother okay?
Immediately, a thousand things ran through my head of what could have happened, each scenario being worse than the last. I open the news article and my heart sinks.
The title reads “Two Mounds View students tragically die in car crash this morning. A third is in the hospital.” A combination of relief and pain overcomes me. The relief from knowing it could not be my brother, my best friend, whose life ended. He took the bus. But soon after the relief comes a sharp sunken pain in my stomach. I realize that even though it wasn’t my sibling, it was someone’s sibling, daughter, best friend. And this is what I cannot get over.
The crash happened on a road near my old high school. A road I have driven on countless times, basically every day, a few years ago. A road that my friends, neighbors and family have consistently been on. The harsh reality that it could have been anyone makes me sad and question why. I question why it needed to happen — why to such young individuals. I take comfort in knowing that even if it doesn’t make sense now, God has a plan. But for now, when the tears are still hot, streaming down my face, and hearts feel heavier than ever, I will turn to strength in support. The support of prayers and a community that has seen its fair share of loss.
A community that has done so much for me. A community that has helped me grow throughout high school and into adulthood. A community that is now temporarily broken. But the thing about any strong place like ours is that it will be temporary. It’s painful and heartbreaking and those that we lost will forever be remembered, but the strength we possess will get us through.
It’s not going to be easy.
It is sad and heart-wrenching. And we need to take every day as it comes, knowing time will heal and the power in coming together will salvage hope. We hold in our hearts the families forever changed by this grief and loss. Although I am at college now, I can still feel the tears and
Such a devastating loss exemplifies how precious life truly is and why I’m holding my loved ones a little closer tonight.