Everyone knows the struggle of staring at the gym as you walk past it, trying to remember the last time you actually entered inside and did a workout. But why is finding the motivation to workout so hard?
After all, going to the gym has all sorts of benefits and perks, you may have just forgotten since it's been so long since you've dared to walk inside. But fear not, because I'm here to remind you why you should go to the gym today.
1. You'll feel better about yourself
No more kicking yourself in the butt for not going to the gym because today you are actually going to go and it will make you feel amazing!
2. You can show off your new athletic outfit
Nothing will make you feel better about yourself than when you strut into the gym with brand new Gymshark leggings on.
3. Having dessert is truly deserved
You shouldn't have dessert too often, but it always feels more justified after a tough workout.
4. Weirdly enough, you'll have more energy afterward
It's almost like working out is good for you or something.
5. You might meet a cute person there
Maybe fate will bring your future partner to the gym and you'll bump into each other as you both try to use the same weight rack. You never know.
6. You don't have to worry because not everyone is staring at you
I know it can feel like everyone's eyes are on you when you're at the gym, which is a major reason to skip a workout. But I promise, no one else at the gym is worried about you. They're just doing what they have to do like you are.
7. Post-workout smoothies are the bomb
Yum yum yum.
8. Water always tastes better at the gym
I swear this is true. Hate drinking water? You'll love drinking it while you're working out.
9. You can post on your story that you're being healthy now
Isn't that what it's all about? Not really, but it's still fun to show off to your friends that you're being healthy.
10. You can feel confident in that sexy outfit in a few months
Maybe you aren't feeling the best about yourself right now, but working out can do wonders for your self esteem, so hopefully you'll feel confident in that cute outfit sometime soon.
11. You can take a day off soon, just not today
Contrary to public belief, you do not need to workout every single day. In reality, your body needs a day of rest so your muscles can recuperate and continue to grow. So just keep reminding yourself that you get a break in a few days.