It's almost that time of the semester once again. Classes are winding down and before we know it we'll all be hunkered down in our rooms, study lounges, and the library prepping for our finals. At this point of the school year you might be "done with everything" and just want it to be summer already. I'm in that boat too but I know that there's still business that needs to be taken care of.
Finals week is tough but us college students are tougher. We've been through all-nighters, math labs, science labs, work, long days, and much more throughout the semester. Let's not let finals break us down. You may be mentally and physically exhausted from the semester, but we're all close to the light at the end of the tunnel and that light is glorious. I've always been one to not go down without a fight, so take it from me that you can get through these next two weeks if you keep pushing until your final scan-tron of the year is bubbled in.
So, grab your coffee, sharpen your pencils, and hit the books. You've got work to do.
GIF courtesy of NBC's Parks and Recreation
Here are some GIFs to cheer you on:
GIF courtesy of
GIF courtesy of Nickelodeon's Spongebob Squarepants
GIF courtesy of The Waterboy
GIF courtesy of Nickelodeon's Hey Arnold
GIF courtesy of