5. "It's My Life," Bon Jovi | The Odyssey Online
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13 Songs That Will Make You Want To Kick Today's Butt

Your perfect playlist.


We all have a case of the "Monday's" from time to time. These songs were meant to bring you out of your funk. Have the search bar ready on your phone or laptop, cause you will want to hear these if you need an extra push.

1. "Eye of the Tiger," SurvivorĀ 

"Eye of the Tiger" has been a classic for decades. It is the perfect workout song. It was also the main theme for the film "Rocky III."

2. "I'm Shipping Up to Boston," Dropkick Murphy'sĀ 

"I'm Shipping Up to Boston" is an underrated song that will pump up anyone. It was featured on the soundtrack for the 2006 film "The Departed." The energy makes anyone want to turn up the volume when it's on. It can be heard at many different sporting events, especially in Boston, of course.

3. "300 Violin Orchestra," Jorge QuinteroĀ 

"300 Violin Orchestra" has become synonymous with sports anthems in the past few years. The energy and instrumental beats will make your heart pound. It will pump you up right before an exam, group project, or speech.

4. "The Final Countdown," EuropeĀ 

"The Final Countdown" has been insanely popular for over 30 years. The hard rock song will surely motivate anyone in need of an extra push.

5. "It's My Life," Bon JoviĀ 

"It's My Life" was released in 2000, and it has been one of the band's most popular songs ever since. The rock song is a good song to listen to if you have a bad case of the "Mondays." Fun Fact: Bon Jovi performed "It's My Life" at the Super Bowl XXXVII postgame show in January 2003.

6. "Gonna Fly Now," Bill ContiĀ 

Also known as the "Theme from Rocky," "Gonna Fly Now" became the gold standard for sports movies themes. The movie "Rocky" was defined by this song and the training montage that accompanies the song. It will, believe it or not, make you want to go on a run and strike a victory pose when you hear it.

7. "You're the Best," Joe EspositoĀ 

"You're the Best" was released in 1984 and rose to glory in the film "The Karate Kid." It has been used in many other forms of media since it appeared in the movie. You will believe you're the best when you turn this on one.

8. "Beat It," Michael Jackson

One of Michael Jackson's greatest hits is definitely worth listening to. Released in 1983, it is still one of his most popular songs. "Beat It" has some of the best guitar work and lyrics of any Michael Jackson song. The music video also has a lot of energy and excellent choreography.

9. "Immigrant Song," Led ZeppelinĀ 

"Immigrant Song" from its opening note will jack you up if you are in desperate need of getting pumped up. It is worth listening to if you haven't heard this classic before.

10. "The Man," The KillersĀ 

"The Man" will boost anyone's confidence. It's unique beat and style will get stuck in your head for a few days after hearing it. Fun Fact: "The Man" was featured in the first trailer for "Vice," a biopic about former vice president Dick Cheney.

11. "Dream On," AerosmithĀ 

The 1973 hit by Aerosmith will pick you right up and pump you up for any occasion. "Dream On" has been enjoyed by many and it is great when one is in need for extra motivation.

12. "I Won't Back Down," Johnny CashĀ 

Johnny Cash's version of "I Won't Back Down" has a good tone for not backing down. This version has good guitar work and Johnny Cash brings his 'A' game.

13. "Life is a Highway," Rascal FlattsĀ 

The Rascal Flatts version of "Life is a Highway" was recorded for the Pixar movie "Cars." The version took off and had a life of its own. This song will make you wanna jump in your car and drive for hours on end.

When you need a pick me up, you don't always have to rely on coffee. These songs and artists will motivate you to finish that essay or run that mile. All you need is the internet and a pair of headphones, two things that aren't in shortage in today's world.

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