As the dawn of a new school year rapidly creeps upon the horizon, the sherbet colors teem toward the skyline, its reddish pink liquid colors tauntingly reminding you that you'll soon be headed back to school. The colorful harbinger of the bittersweet approach of classes, classes and more classes is the 2015-2016 school year's vibrant colors leaking into the sky. And at first, there is a dewey momentum that this year, you will be organized, you will get that perfect GPA (or settle for close enough), and you will still be able to hit up every party. But soon the fresh drops of dawn's dew evaporate and you're left feeling, well, dry--unmotivated, sluggish, and summoned by Netflix's wide array of sitcoms and dramas.
So, before you get stuck in this seemingly irreversible slump, ingest these motivational quotes to keep the momentum going. Scrawl them in your Econ notebook or in the corner of your Spanish textbook for a little reminder that you can--and you will--succeed.
1. For when you're feeling discouraged:
2. For quelling any fears:
3. For those 3 a.m. cram sessions when you're wondering, "What's the point?":
4. For when you're feeling unproductive:
5. For when your midterm paper seems pointless:
6. For the times you think you need to skip the frat party everyone's been anticipating and study instead (remember to have fun):
7. For when you're missing home (remember that everyone misses home at some point):
8. For days when it's just a little too cold outside to get out of bed:
-Avinash Wandre
9. For nights when you have way too much on your plate--a hurricane of papers, readings, and meetings:
10. For when your procrastination has finally overruled your rational side and taken its place as king (because when it's the night before a final and you haven't studied yet, all you can do is pray):
11. For when you're telling the man in the mirror that he's not good enough:
--Author Unknown
Don't forget to hide some in your textbooks and adopt some as your daily mantras!