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7 Motivational Quotes That Don't Make Sense

Nothing is better than reading a motivational quote every morning... except when that quote makes zero sense.

7 Motivational Quotes That Don't Make Sense

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In life, sometimes you need a little motivation. Actually, most of the time I need A LOT of motivation. And what's a better way to remind yourself to stay motivated than with a quote?

Ah yes, we know these quotes. The quotes we see online with the unrelated background of something in nature. Those ones.

And it's true, some of them are motivational. Some of them make me feel fresh and ready to get out there to fight the world. Sometimes I need a good motivational quote.

The issue? Some motivational quotes just make absolutely no sense whatsoever. It truly hurts my soul to hear someone share a quote that, when you actually sit down to think about it, doesn't really add up.

So here they are: these are the motivational quotes that don't make any sense.

1. "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."

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This quote is so great! It's all about resilience and continuing to work hard even when you don't immediately get what you want. This quote really motivates you to keep trying. Except, how is it physically possible to stand up eight times if you've only fallen down seven times? I know math is hard, but c'mon people.

2. "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

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I love this quote because it reminds me that even if I don't reach my exact goal, I'll still end up with something great. The only issue is that the moon is millions of miles away from any stars. So no, you will not land among the stars if you happen to shoot for the moon and only miss by a little bit.

3. "When one door closes, another one opens."

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Not necessarily? This quote is telling you that the end of one opportunity will always be followed by the beginning of another opportunity. Not only is that not true, but just because a door is closing does not mean another one is opening. When I enter my dorm room my door closes behind me and there will be no other opening doors near me until I leave my dorm room again.

4. "It's no use crying over spilled milk."

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Good philosophy, except sometimes you really want milk and sometimes you just need to cry. This quote makes it sound like you're not allowed to have feelings when simple things in your life go wrong. Well, guess what? You are allowed to feel. You are allowed to cry. Even if it is over the smallest thing, sometimes you just need to let it out.

5. "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me."

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This is a nice quote about taking responsibility for your actions. The only issue is that a lot of different things can change your life and sometimes you don't have a say. Natural disasters, the loss of a loved one, and so many other events and people will for sure change your life. We can't keep telling ourselves that we are the sole master of our fate, because sometimes we aren't.

6. "Live every day as if it were your last."

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I love the carpe diem idea of truly seizing every moment and every day. The problem here is that if you're living every day like it's your last day, then you're probably not planning for any type of future. If I lived every single day like it was my last day on earth, I would have no money because I already would have spent it all on a few really fun things that I truly can't afford.

7. "Nothing is impossible."

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I wish! I love the idea of tackling life as if you can do anything, but we need to stop sharing these unrealistic motivational quotes. Some things are impossible. They just are. Maybe a better quote would be: "sometimes the things you think are impossible are just improbable," or something along those lines because I need more quotes to remind me that I can't do everything, but I can still try my best in the things I can do.

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