It's getting to that time of the year where everyone is struggling to finish off the semester. You've worked all semester to get your grades where they are and you're starting to wonder what the point in all of it is. Here are 6 things to remind you and to help motivate you for the rest of the semester.
1. You've Made It This Far Just A Little Further
You've made it this far and have worked so hard, you just need to find that final wind.
2. You've Got To Support Your Future Dog
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
3. Maybe Future Family, That's Up To You
If you're wanting to have a family of your own one day, either just you and a pet or you and 4 kids, a good income that comes from your classes will help get you there.
4. Graduate School?
If your career path requires that you go to grad school, you need to continue on keeping your grades up.
5. Your GPA
You've worked all semester to get your grade where it is, why let it drop now?
6. Make Yourself Proud
Once you turn in that last final, you can give yourself a well deserved high five.