As most of us are in university, finding motivation is and will continue to always be a struggle. Especially, if you are in your ending years, juniors and seniors, finding any motivation and will to study is definitely one of the most difficult tasks. The university years are almost up and our end is so near that we just become so lazy and detached to all the work and assignments we have piling up. Well, although I know I have definitely lost motivation many times during my time at university and even now, I still find a way to study and not procrastinate.
One of the biggest things that gives me motivation is the fact that when I get a job, I will have to work a full day. This is definitely not one of the positive ways to find motivation, but it is still a great factor and tool for me to get up and study. Being in the habit of working a full day will be extremely helpful when you get a job in the future. In university, if you don't do a specific homework assignment or project, the consequences are not as harsh and real as they would be in the real world. When you don't finish a certain task in your real life job, there will definitely be harsher consequences that could possibly affect your work culture and your job in general. So, becoming acquainted with disciplining yourself when a certain homework is not finished or skipped is something that will become of us in the future.
Another huge factor in finding motivation during such stressful times is to look at what is ahead of you. Different from being in a habit for your future job, when you are studying and working hard to do what you want and love in the future, the workload definitely becomes enjoyable and more manageable. Personally, I know what I want to be doing in the future, so the classes that I am taking that are related to that are more enjoyable, and I love going to class and learning what I want. Finding your passion and interests is definitely something that gets your motivation up and will gear you into studying harder and putting in more effort even in times of stress during university.
The last thing, although it may sound simple, is to surround yourself with people who put you in a better mood and in general, people you want to be around. A social life is extremely important in university, and depending on who you surround yourself around is a huge factor in your overall motivation and mood. Don't be around people who give you more stress, in addition to all the stress university has given you, and put you in a down mood, but be around people who you genuinely enjoy being around and talking to. Many people are sort of forced to hang out with people because of their friends of friends but really think about your social circle and who you let into your life.
With these, you will definitely find a better motivation to try harder and put in more effort when studying at university. University is only four years, so you might as well make those four years worth it. Study hard and enjoy your social life in university, never give up one for the other. You can definitely juggle both and with the right balance, you will learn to enjoy your time at university.