In life we all wonder why we choose to do something and what powers/motivates us to do that. We all have been asked why did you choose this major? Or why did you choose this job? Or why that sport? Well behind each of those questions there is a driving force for some of us it is easier to state and find then others.
When I was a freshman in college I had to write an essay about what motivates me to become a nurse (my major before switching to sociology)? This was not hard for me especially with family members going through cancer, and starting compressions in my grandfather. I want to become a nurse because I want to help people, this is something I also want to do as a guidance counselor. Now ask yourselves what motivates you to become whatever it is you desire.
The same can go for sports, music, art, etc. we all have some sort of motivation behind what we do in life. Our motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic meaning that we can have motivation within ourselves or we look to others for motivation. Some examples are our family, friends, teammates, professionals that you look up to, a lifestyle or quote we use. It could even be a flaw or a mistake that we want to improve.
One thing that if think of every time that I am torn down is you fall down seven times but you get up eight. This shows me that when we are torn down that we can get back up and try again and we do this because we are motivated to always achieve better. I can speak upon this personally and for many people out there. We all push ourselves so hard and put such high expectations on ourselves and when we fail we learn that we need to work on it one step at a time. Behind this we have those extrinsic and intrinsic factors that we us to help us achieve those high goals we set for ourselves.
We all get torn down in life or get told no you’re not what we are looking for. Or we fail or make a mistake. But we take this and work harder to show that we are the right person for that position, or show that we learn from our mistakes. It may be hard to realize that we are working for these goals in life to show others what we are mad of but by doing so we make a stand. Making a stand may not be important to some of us but that is how we show we are here for the long run no just for a short time.
Overall we all have some type of motivation in one way or another and some of us can find that easier than others. Motivation plays such an integral part in our lives whether we like to admit it or not we all have some motivation.