What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "Motivation"? I'm sure people think of cheesy videos made by people on YouTube. Well it's not just that, because motivation is what comes from within you and it's what gives you that drive to do things. Not everyone has it because they are comfortable with being mediocre. If you think this is just some stupid article trying to motivate you and you don't care about wanting to make your life phenomenal then go ahead and stop reading now. For those of you who want to keep reading then it means you want to try and make a change in your life and begin a new chapter.
So, first of all. LIFE SUCKS. Plain and simple, life sucks and it's going to suck. Thing is it is going to keep sucking until you get up and do something about it. Life is literally what you make it, so that means you could make your life fantastic and be an astronaut or something or you can just keep being mediocre and sit in your living room and watch television not doing anything. For people who think that their life doesn't have any meaning or isn't worth anything; you're wrong. I mean god put you on this earth for a reason yeah? If I were you I would go out and find what that reason is.
Any dreams you have, just go after them. Failure is part of success, because if you didn't fail how would you learn? Failure is okay, it is a stepping stone toward success. There are doors that are always open for you to take, but only you can decide what door you take toward your path that leads to your dream. Don't be afraid to aim too high, don't be afraid to go after in what you believe, and most importantly, don't be afraid to fail. When you believe in something and you do take that door that leads to your dream, people will start questioning your motives. They will start telling you that you can't make it. They will start giving you weird looks and tell you that your changing and that they want the old you back. Do not listen to them, if you lose friends on the way toward your dreams then they weren't your friends to begin with, you will find knew ones that will support your decisions and help you along the way toward your dream.
Last but not least, never give up. Never give up on anything you do. Go 100% at everything you do, even if you do it incorrectly. Don't let anyone stop you from achieving greatness. And when you finally get to where you want in life, you can look back at all the ones who told you that you will never make it or that you will fail and just give up and tell them that you made it while they are still complaining about their mediocre life and their mediocre jobs.
In this closing paragraph I just want to say that everyone has been put on this earth for a reason and I want you to begin to find that reason. I want you to start living every day like it's your last, because what if it is your last day? What would you do differently? Everyone has potential in something, just never give up if you know what that potential is.