If you're anything like me, a second-year college student, you know just how long 16 weeks of classes can feel. The first half of the semester goes by quickly and the second half, not so much. I and a few friends of mine have been having trouble keeping our attention in class. We can't be the only ones, right? A lack of motivation is a common trend for anyone in higher education. No matter if we are busy or not, after a while, we do not have the energy or will to complete tasks until its too late.
If you are having troubles with your own motivation, here are some tips that could potentially get you back on your feet again.
1. Put your time management skills to good use.
One of the main reasons for the idea of a lack of motivation is that we do not have a set plan of motion, telling us what we needier want to do on a specific day. I know that when I lack in motivation, I usually end up spending my days watching youtube videos inside. Sure, this may not be productive or an efficient use of my time, but when don't have the will to do anything, we will do nothing. So make sure you have a list or a whiteboard to write down what you want to get accomplished that day. By having these goals in writing, we are more likely to complete the tasks. Especially if they are staring us in the face.
2. Participate in one of your hobbies.
For me, my hobbies include, writing, drawing, playing instruments, and taking walks. It is a good idea for every now and then to indulge ourselves in something we like to do. Something we can relax and clear our mind with. I know that it is therapeutic for some people to use coloring books. If that's you, go right ahead! Participate in activities that interest you.
3. Go to bed early. (Or at least on time.)
We have all been there at one time or another. The all-nighter. The one thing that causes us to be cranky and upset the next morning around school. If you can, try to go to bed with a good amount of time where you won't be late or miss class. Sleep is very important and we need to be able to take care of our bodies to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.
4. Treat yo' self.
This really doesn't need much explaining, because we all know about this concept. The day where we can just go and do what we want with no regard, until later in the day (I suppose.) Whether this is done by going shopping or getting a tub of ice cream, there are definitely ways we can think of to make ourselves happy.
5. Always remember: You're not alone.
Don't worry! This happens to the best of us. Whether you are a student or a working adult, we all experience a lack of motivation from time to time, and we should be taking steps to achieve our happiness and our imagination.