Sometimes we get stuck. In our job, in our lives, just stuck. It's as though someone built a giant brick wall in the way of your life and you don't know how to tear it down. Life can get busy, and crazy, and hectic, and if we don't slow down to appreciate the things we love, it is easy to feel as though there's nowhere else to go. Slow down, back up, and find a way to get yourself moving again. Here are some ways to gain back your forward momentum.
Get out of town
Whether it's the next town over or hundreds of miles away, get out of your routine and allow yourself to reflect. Sometimes a change in scenery is all it takes to get your mind moving again. Inspiration is all around this beautiful world, so open your mind to new possibilities.
Join a new organization
We often times get enveloped into our friend groups and forget that it's never too late to meet new people. Getting involved in a group you're interested in can introduce you to people whose interests align with yours and can help you break down that brick wall that's been holding you back.
Go back to something you love
With the hectic world around us we often forget that it's the little joys that can really make a difference in your outlook on life. If you love the outdoors, take a hike. If you're an animal enthusiast, hit up the zoo. Make yourself smile and remind yourself what your purpose is in this life.
Surround yourself with driven people
The people around you are often the best motivators. If your friends are inactive or uninterested in moving forward, it only adds to the brick wall you're trying to break down. Be sure that those around you are helping tear down that wall, not tear down you.
Make a change
Dye your hair pink. Get a tattoo of a pug. Do that one thing that you've been wanting to do but have been too scared to pull the trigger. It doesn't matter what anyone else might think, get yourself excited about something new.