Congratulations, it's a girl! Precious, hopeful eyes that gaze at you with the greatest amount of love in them. You're the first person she looks at like that. Soft, flawless skin you graze your hands upon. You are the first to lay hands on her this way. How about that adorable giggle she lets out with that wonderful, toothless grin? You're also the first to get this reaction out of her. This baby girl has so much potential to be a great, powerful woman, with your help, of course. So, as a new mother to this bundle of pure joy, make a special note and effort not to tear her self esteem from her.
Moms, you are one of the main roots that help your gorgeous flower of a daughter fully blossom. She will become who she is because of you, so do you really want to leave her with repeated remarks that will make her nervous to make a single wrong move? One of the main causes of this can be from the over-stressed idea of abstinence and staying entirely pure. Now, if you are religious, that's a whole different story, and I can understand that. However, your daughter is going to make her own choices, and she is going to learn from her mistakes.
She will take into account the lessons you have taught her, I promise, but please, moms: do not march around preaching that natural growing processes such as intercourse, dating and other related activities are horrible and will ruin her body and mind. She will get the wrong idea, and when she decides that she is ready for such things, she will be scared and confused and will turn to anyone but you for questions. Wouldn't you rather teach her safe, healthy sex rules than teach her that sex is atrocious and shameful?
Another thing that contributes to the downfall of a young woman's self-esteem is the emphasis of "dressing cute, but not too cute." For example, placing thoughts that natural body assets such as cleavage and curves should not be adorned or you may come off as "slutty." Moms are always discussing the plunging v-neck shirts, crop tops, shorts and leggings that girls are wearing, but in reality, these are the main items being marketed to girls their age. In my opinion, you should wear what makes you feel the most comfortable and confident. So, if that means a bright lipstick and a dress that's just a little bit tighter, then so be it. If you're happy, that's what matters.
So, moms, please try your best to boost your girls up, no matter their body shape or clothing preference. It can and will mean the world to them.
Negative language and a lack of confidence and faith in your daughter can also lead them to be extremely self-conscious individuals. The way you talk to and treat them as they grow up is how they will see and treat themselves when they are adults. Do you really want to see your daughters broken down and constantly sad because of the way they view themselves? Please, build them up and support them through every little thing.
Obviously, there are countless other things that contribute to a loss of self-esteem in young adults, but these are some of the things I have noticed trending among those around me. I think it is important that today's young girls are raised to be independent, fearless and ambitious women who are beautiful and confident in every way.