To the little girl who changed my life,
Although it was almost five years ago, I remember the minute you were born as if it happened yesterday. I was only 18, it was 3:48 in the morning and the doctor just handed me a baby. My baby. It didn’t sink in at first. I was a bit distracted at your tiny lungs showing the room of nurses just how loud you could scream. Soon enough though, you calmed down and it was quiet. The entire room stood still.
I stared at you for a while. I had been waiting for this moment for nine months and there you were. Looking at you now, it’s hard to believe that so much time has passed. Many people told me that my life ended the moment you were born and for a while I believed them.
At first, nothing changed. We stayed living in the same place as we were before you came. Your father went to work and I stayed home with you. It went on like that for a few months but something about you lit a fire inside me that gave me the desire to want better. Staring into your little infant eyes I knew that I wasn’t meant to be just another teen mom statistic.
You gave me the courage to take control of my life instead of following what others told me I should do. Whenever things get rough I just look at you watching me and remind myself that I need to set the right example for you. You say you want to be like me and now I am in a place in life where hearing that makes me smile.
I have learned a lot from you in your short life. One of the many things you have taught me is patience. Those long nights when I just want to go to sleep but you are wide awake screaming because you don't like the color of your pajama pants. I am able to stay calm and remember that your emotions are just as real as mine. You have taught me how to be compassionate through the way you are always concerned for you two baby sisters.
I may not be where I want to be in life quite yet, but I am much further than I was before you came. Without gaining the responsibility of being your mother, I am not sure I would have been able to do all that I have done thus far and I hope one day I can make you very proud.
I know that you probably won't remember much of being this young. The way things are right now will one day be a faded memory somewhere stuffed away in your mind. In a way I am thankful for that because things are easy right now. If you do remember one thing from now, I hope it's how much you have changed my life and how you helped me become a better person.
When you look at me, I want you to see a person who never gave up despite the struggle. I want you to see someone who would move mountains for the people I love and a person so full of passion that the negativity that often comes from society no longer affects me.
Not long ago, you told me that when you grow up you want to be a real princess and I told you that sounded like a good idea. Someone made a comment that I shouldn’t encourage something so foolish ut as your mom it’s not my job to discourage you. It is my job to push you to follow your dreams and if you want to be a princess, I’ll be there to build your castle.