Mama, for I am in this world is because of you.
You gave birth to me, you clothed me when I was little, and you prepared me for life. You are a sweet angel to me and my little brother. You have given me so much and expect back so little. You taught me everything. For that, I am here to pray and be the best version of myself because you are a driving force in my life.
Mama, I pray for God to bless you.
May God grant you with richness. Richness in wealth, love, and happiness. May God grant you with patience for the things that you have dreamt in life but have not come true. I wish for your heart to be soft and strong for the obstacles you’re going to face in life. The power to look at situations in many lenses. The calamity in life through the ups and downs.
Mama, at night, I sometimes wish you were with me.
I am fond of your company. I pray to God that you are well. I hope God lessens you're pain and brings back that cheerful smile on your face.
You have given me the life that I always dreamt of. There are times when I was blinded to that, however, you always reminded me how lucky I am to be me. I wouldn't ask for another life without you.
Forgive me for my shortcomings, as I forgive yours too. Forgive me for my imperfections in the past, present, and future. Mama, you are my world. For everything I do is for you. I want to make you proud.
I hope you believe that you are made for greatness. You will always be my person, I love you to the infinity and beyond.