The United Nations recognizes 197 countries on earth.
Which of these countries are the most influential and make up the most powerful countries in the world?
The most powerful countries help shape the global economy, dominate world news headlines, and have a strong military.
The US has always ranked at the top of the list of world powers. Is that still true in 2020?
What are the top 10 most powerful countries? Keep reading to see which countries made the list.
The Top 10 Most Powerful Countries
When ranking the top ten most powerful countries, political, economic and military power are considered. The top countries are revered for their policymaking and military strength. Let's take a look at the top 10.
1. The United States
The US has a population of close to 330 million people. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is $20.5 trillion dollars, higher than all other nations. The US also has the largest military budget.
The US has a large role in international issues especially in regards to global security with the most powerful military in the world.
With the United States being the most powerful nation on earth, there is great potential when you're fortunate enough to live there. The possibility of achieving the American dream is back! Read about it here.
2. Russia
Russia is the world's largest country by landmass. The population is less than half that of the US coming in at 144.5 million. Their GDP is $1.7 trillion.
Russia has a lot of political influence on the world and has strong relations with a number of countries, especially China.
3. China
With 1.4 billion people, China has the world's largest population. Their GDP of $13.6 trillion is second only to the US. China is the world's largest exporter and they have the biggest military with over 200,000 active personnel.
4. Germany
With the largest population in the EU, Germany has a highly skilled and highly educated populous. Their GDP sits at $4 trillion thanks partly to their large number of exports.
5. The United Kingdom
The UK has a GDP of $2.8 trillion and exerts a lot of influence around the world. The world looks to the UK for fashion, technology, arts, sciences, and culture.
6. France
With one of the largest economies in the world, France has very strong international relationships. It's a country well-known for its enormous contributions to the fashion world.
7. Japan
When it comes to technology, Japan is one of the most influential countries on earth. Their economy is strong thanks to their highly-skilled labor force and a well-educated population.
8. Isreal
One of the most powerful countries in the Middle East, thanks to its highly-trained military, Isreal has a large economy and its population enjoys a high standard of living.
They are also one of the most educated countries in the world.
9. Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia holds a majority of the land in the Middle East and much of its wealth. Their GDP is $782.5 billion. The country is also well-known for its military spending.
10. South Korea
South Korea has a GDP of $1.6 trillion. It's a densely populated nation enjoying a technology boom and a robust economy.
Powerful Countries
Now you know the top 10 most powerful countries and what qualities they possess to put them on the list.
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