To think that this whole time, there was a holiday that we could have been celebrating every day of the year. These aren't the holidays that everyone knows by heart, like Christmas on December 25th or Halloween on October 30th. But they sure are some fun ones!
Many are dreamed up by marketing departments, internet sites, and random people.
Its those days like "National Take Your Houseplants For A Walk Day," which — mark your calendars — is celebrated every year on July 27. So, without further banter, here is a list of some pretty plain awesome holidays that you should start celebrating.
1. January 11: Step in the puddle and splash your friends day
Because what's more fun then getting your friends all wet?
3. March 13: National open an umbrella indoors day
Of course this one would be the day before St. Patricks Day.
5. May 3: Two different colored shoes day
Because why not have a day that is comitted to two different shoes.
7. July 27: National take your houseplants for a walk day
They deserve to see the neighborhood too!
11. November 29: National square dancing day
What better excuse to go square dancing?
12. December 18: Answer the telephone like Buddy the elf day
"Bussy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"
For a complete list of all of the national day holidays, click here.