The TV show, "Friends," released in September 1994 stars Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer. The show features 10 seasons (1994-2004) and totals in 236 episodes that each had millions of viewers. In 2015, the complete "Friends" collection was put on Netflix and our lives were forever changed. This gave us the ability to watch the show from start to finish again and again and again (which we all did). If you're "Friends"-obsessed, here's some of the most unforgettable moments from the 10 years of the series:
1. "So no one told you life was gonna be this way--"
2. All things Joey
3. The classic dancing turkey head scene
4. Ross and his marriage
5. Rachel Green (need I say more?)
6. When Monica was fat
7. Chandler and Monica (Goals)
8. Phoebe's Songs
9. And again
10. And again..
11. And again......
12. The dynamic duo: Chandler and Joey
13. How good Ross was with the ladies
14. Joey and Ross cuddling
15. "They don't know that we know they know we know"
16. Ichiban
17. "It's just a moo point"
18. Fat Monica again
19. Chandler's advice
20. And yet again....
21. Lame Cool Guy Handshake
23. Marcel the monkey
24. Central Perk
25. Phoebe laughing so hard that she starts coughing
26. When Rachel dressed up as a cheerleader
27. Ross and Rachel
28. The Thanksgiving day football game
30. "How you doing'"
31. Chandler (before Monica)
32. Janice--Enough said
33. This.
34. The classic self fist-bump
35. The dancing turkey head again
36. Joey's beach Boobs
37. Ross putting on makeup
38. Rock, paper, scissors
39. Ross scaring Phoebe and Rachel
40. More turkey head dancing
41. When Chandler wanted to be a lesbian
42. When Phoebe was pregnant with the twins
43. Chandler and Monica--again
44. And Ross and Rachel
45. Joey's "Soapy" award
46. When Rachel got pregnant
47. Ross' nerdy-ness
48. When Rachel and Phoebe saw something they wish they wouldn't have
49. Phoebe's honesty
50. And of course the finale episode (our hearts all broke and tears were shed)