Every year when Father's Day comes around, you spend some time reflecting on how amazing the men in your life truly are. I am forever grateful for my amazing dad, pop, and abuelo. They are all role models in their own way and have all had an incredible impact on my life, for without them I would surely not be the person I am today. So here are some reasons I am thankful for my the most important men in my life:
They Showed Me What Hard Work Is
My abuelo immigrated to the United States without knowing anyone, and he could barely speak English. After 18 years of hard work, he opened his own Spanish restaurant in New York City. That is the epitome of dedication, diligence, and hard work. Although I am using my own grandfather as an example, our fathers and grandfathers all work hard to provide for their families and do so without complaint. I am not alone in saying that I have no clue what I or my family would do without them.
They Love Me Unconditionally
When I backed into a car in the Dunkin' Donuts parking lot, was my dad mad? Yeah, of course. But did he still help me fix it and not take the car away from me? Obviously, and if that's not unconditional love I don't know what is.
They Are Seriously Cool
If you look past the terrible dad jokes, there is no one I'd rather spend time with than my dad. Even with those white New Balances and tucked in tee shirt, he's pretty damn awesome. And don't even get me started about my pop, because everyone I know knows how awesome he is. Literally the guy has met everyone, and when we were talking recently, he understood my reference to the song, "Molly Cyrus" by Stitches. If you don't know the song, look it up. If you do, you know exactly how savage that is.
They Are the Best Listeners
Dads can sit and listen to anyone for hours because they have had plenty of practice from dealing with our moms. Trust me when I say there is no one better to vent to than your dad.
They Are Your Number One Fan
They are at every game, and even if you do terribly they will say you did OK. I mean, you can ride the bench the entire game and they would probably still tell you that your cheering was amazing.
They Teach You Everything You Need to Know About Sports
From teaching you how to throw a baseball in the yard before you can even write (thanks, Pop), to explaining what a "down" is in football, everything you know about athletics typically comes from your dad or grandpa. Even at 18, almost all of my conversations with them are about athletics, how I can improve, and how good the Mets game was last night.
They Are the Most Important Guys in Your Life
No one comes before my dad and grandpas, ever. And it will stay that way for my entire life. We will always be Daddy's little girl (or Pop's, either one) no matter how big we get.
So remember to thank the number one guys in your life for being the best, not just this weekend, but every day.