I love "Grey’s Anatomy." Let’s just start with that. I love how well developed the characters are, the story line, and I absolutely love the writing. Shonda Rhimes is a genius and I look up to her so much as a writer. The plot twists, the foreshadowing, everything is written so well and thought out so clearly. But as much as I love her one thing I do not love is how many characters she’s killed off. My poor heart can’t take anymore, and I know my fellow Grey’s fans feel the same way. Keep reading to see the top 5 deaths that broke my heart the most!
1. Dr. Shepherd aka McDreamy
What inspired me to write this article was that actually right now I saw Grey's was on Lifetime and it’s an old episode and he’s still alive. I miss him so much. I would say I miss him more than Meredith but I know that’s impossible. They just had such a great love story, they were literally each other’s soulmates and then he just dies because of a car crash, I just can’t. I mean how can we forget the iconic, “pick me. Choose me. Love me,” quote? I wish there was a way for him like how *spoiler alert* Owen’s sister Megan is alive, but that’s not going to happen. *sigh*. I miss you, Derek Shepherd.
2. George O’ Malley
OG Grey’s fans remember this one. This one really tugs at the heart strings because George was good. Like he was really good. He had such a pure and kind heart. He died from jumping in front of a bus to save the life of a woman he didn’t even know. I think the saddest thing about his death was that his body was so busted up that viewers didn’t even know it was him until Meredith figured it out. I wonder where George would be if he never died. Would he have passed his boards? Would he have been in that plane crash? We’ll never know.
3. Lexie Grey
Speaking of plane crashes, Lexie was one of the victims from the plane crash. What’s the saddest about this to me is that it took Lexie and Meredith a long time to get to where they were as sisters and then Lexie dies. I was so happy to see the two of them getting along and acting like sisters and then sad when Meredith lost yet another family member. I want to know what life would be like if Lexie never died, and she met Maggie and Amelia and the three of them were just sister goals.
4. Mark Sloan aka McSteamy
But of course, you can’t talk about plane crashes and Lexie without talking about Mark Sloan. Their relationship was so on again and off again and of course, they decided to declare their love for each other right before Lexie died. Another thing that makes me sad about Mark’s death is that he and Derek were back to being friends again and it was so nice to see. What got me though was when Mark had his surgery, I really thought he was going to be ok and he was going to make it. But yeah, he didn’t.
5. Heather Brooks (Mousey)
She may not have been a main character but she was still part of the show. What makes me the maddest about her death is that she didn’t deserve to die (ok no one deserves to die I know that) but her death was just so wrong. Shane didn’t want to do his work and he made Heather do it and she ended up getting electrocuted. And no one ever found out it was Shane’s fault and that’s what angers me the most.
But out everyone I just really want McDreamy to come back *insert crying emojis*.