Getting water is a pain in the butt.
I never put too much effort into wondering how my waitress got my water, but after having to refill eight cups of water for one table while another was waiting to order, I said a silent prayer for all of my previous waitresses. Apparently waters don't just show up when you put in an order. Sometimes you need to physically go to the back, reach for the cups (hoping there are cups available), fill it with ice (hoping there's ice available) and fill it up with water (because the water gun takes 300 years). And don't forget the lemon wedge (let's hope the lemons are actually out and cut in proper form).
When customers ask for extras.
When your paycheck is mainly coming from how expensive each tables meals are, you start hating every time they ask for something free. “Could I have some more water?” “Could I get some extra lemons?” “Could I get some more cranberry?” Meanwhile you're grabbing all of these things just hoping you go back and they ask for the most expensive glass of white wine.
Splitting the bill is a hit or miss.
In some cases this a very good thing. Splitting the bill among successful adults with credit cards usually means good tips for you. The worst kind of bill split there is is when everyone decides they want to pay cash. Cause when they decide to pay cash everyone usually just splits everything according to what they got and some forget to include tip. (I'm looking at the youngsters who have yet to learn how to tip.)
There are different kinds of chefs.
In the restaurant business there will always be a couple of different types of chefs. You've got the goodie goodie who refuses to waste any of the restaurant money (meaning no free meals for you). And you've got the sweet chef who's your friend. They will become your best friend because they will cook you up something nice on those days you just haven't caught a break and may save your butt down the line.
Vibing with customers is a thing.
Sometimes you'll just get the dullest people. Others are just plain awkward to serve. A few others might not even acknowledge you (usually the owner's entitled friends who come in to dine). The others you'll just want to take them out for coffee after they're done eating at your restaurant. Some people you just enjoy serving so much you’ll just wanna slip in some extras for them and make sure they are having the meal of a lifetime. It usually helps when they're nice and understanding off the back.
The kitchen and bar will determine your tip.
If you work at a restaurant that also includes a bar with its own bartender, you need to realize that you need to stay on top of your orders. Make sure the bartender got your drink order and that it's the right one. Make sure the kitchen got all of your instructions on that super complicated order and that all the food is a warm delightful perfection. What a lot of customers don't seem to realize is that sometimes your food may not come out to your exact liking or your drink won't be exactly the way you envisioned it, but most of the time it won't be your waiter's fault. As much as you may get the urge to yell at them and question why your meal wasn't absolute perfection, see how they handle the situation first. A good waitress will apologize and bring back your order the way it was supposed to be. Sometimes a customized dish may not come out the way it was intended but just realize that maybe the order got lost somewhere in translation.
Tips are not consistent.
Depending on where you work, you don't usually go home everyday with the same amount of tips. If you're lucky they will fluctuate slightly, if you're not too lucky one day you'll take home $250 and the next you may take home $11 (true story).
Work can be fun.
All in all a job is a job, but if you’re lucky enough to work with great people it'll barely feel like a responsibility. Some days you can get that old British bartender who has way too many stories about his childhood and the next you can be with all your new friends and the cute food runner. You get to meet all sorts of people: tourist, businessmen, mothers, lovers, foreigners—the possibilities are endless. Working as a waitress is definitely a worthy experience.