7. Cindy Aurum | The Odyssey Online
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All Aboard The Hype Train Of The 11 Most Common Cosplays In 2018

How many of these did you see this year?

hype train

Every year seems to bring new and better cosplays. However, there are always series that manage to take over the cosplay communities hearts. Here are the 11 most common cosplays we saw in 2018.

1. My Hero Academia

This series has taken the hearts of many and it is well deserving. We have seen countless numbers of MHA cosplayers this year and we could not be happier.

2. Platelets

There were so many adorable little platelets walking around everywhere just doing their jobs.

3. The "-Chans"

From Earth-Chan to Tide Pod-Chan, they were everywhere at the beginning of 2018.

4. Black Panther

Black Panther was released in theaters early this year, and cosplayers did not disappoint us the rest of the year.

5. Darling in the Franxx

This was probably the mecha anime of the year and it produced quite a bit of cosplays too!

6. Pop Team Epic

Pop Team Epic made some EPIC cosplays throughout this year.

7. Cindy Aurum

With the release of Final Fantasy XV, came the wave of this awesome mechanic!

8. Steven Universe

A LOT of major events happened in the Steven Universe fandom and so many new cosplays were born because of is.

9. Neir: Automata

You were always bound to see a 2B or a 9S running around!

10. Critical Role

Critical Role seemed to take off like a mad man this year and the cosplays did not disappoint!

11. She-Ra

This one is a little late in the year, but December cons have seen an increase in She-Ra cosplays! Even Bow is super excited!

Even though a fandom may take over the cosplay world does not mean they are bad. These cosplayers put their heart and soul into the work and make an amazing masterpiece. We can't wait to see what 2019 will bring us!

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