Stereotypes are common in this day in age, some serious and some just meant to have a good hearty chuckle. This is a compiled list of just a few that I myself have stumbled upon and can relate to. So, here we go...
1. Asians have yellow skin.
I'm pretty sure everyone thinks that all Asians have yellow skin, and you are not wrong, but you are not fully right either. The skin colors ranges from yellow tan to a dark brown depending on the region you live in.
2. All Asians are the same.
Oh, you're Asian? Are you Chinese?
Apparently, if you are Asian, you are automatically Chinese. No, Asian means they are a native of Asia.
3. All Asians have slanted eyes.
Okay, so this is a good observation. A majority of Asians do have slanted eyes, due to their environment. Their eyes slowly adapted to the cold climate and sunlight to protect themselves.
4. Asians are smart.
I'm not gonna lie, I love this stereotype. It makes me feel smart when I'm not. Due to strict education and conservative parents, Asians seem to be smarter people; but in reality, there are dumb Asians and not all Asians are good at math.
5. Asians eat dogs.
So this has been a controversy for years. Do Asians eat dogs? Well, the answer is yes and no. Dog meat was very common a while back; however, it is not as common now. Based on some Chinese Medicine theory, Asians claimed that dog meat helped calm the organs, lighten the body, strengthen the kidneys, warm the body, strengthen the body, remove any diseases, and aid blood. Whether this is true or not, dog meat was very popular when the Asians discovered this.
6. Karate is in your genetics.
Personally I don't mind this stereotype; it makes me feel protected because I do not know karate, nor do I practice it. So for those who think Asians know karate, sorry to inform you that Asians do not automatically have karate in their genes. However, there is a high percentage of Asians that do practice martial arts because it is known to release stress and maintain a healthy body. Asians, especially in Southeast Asia, choose to practice martial arts; however, not everyone practices it.
7. Where are you from?
Okay, so I get asked this many times and always the same answer. America! I am from America! The follow up question to this is always, "Where are your parents from?" Not all Asians were born in their native land; Asians can also be born anywhere other than Asia.
8. You only date other Asians.
This is a yes and a no. Most Asians date other Asians due to arranged marriages (yes, those still exist) and because, well, Asians get other Asians due to their culture and language. However, there are Asians who date other races.
9. Asians can't drive.
Is it because you can't see?
I can't lie and say Asians are the best of drivers and that is because driving is much more different in Asia; however, there are very good Asian drivers. But hey, if I forget a stop sign, I could just say I didn't see it and get away with it... right?
10. Asians always get A's.
What's on your report card? All A's?
Psh! I wish I would get all A's that easily. Yes, Asians try hard and want to get all A's. We Asians try to get A's for two reasons: one being that our parents would be disappointed and punish us, and two being that we don't want our relatives to know because Asians (especially relatives) judge each other.