I am in love with language and the beauty involved with the trills and rolls of the tongue. It’s like experiencing a brand new world every time you say a new word. I enjoy learning novel terms I can add into my vocabulary in that language. Here are my absolute favorite words in Spanish -- because they not only sound like flan tastes, but also have a significant meaning to me and my life.
1. Inefable (ineffable)
Something so incredible that it cannot possibly be expressed in words
2. Esperanza (hope)
Having the desire or expectation that something good will happen
3. Efimero (ephemeral)
Something that lasts a short period of time
4. Morriño (homesickness)
Missing home from having been away from the comfort of it
5. Meliflou (mellifluous)
A sweet, soft, or delicate sound
6. Ojala (hopefully)
Hoping that something will or will not happen but being unsure of the future
7. Inmarcesible (unfading)
Having the power to last forever and never fade or wither
8. Soledad (solitude)
A state of isolation or seclusion to the point of perfection and tranquility