The Mortal Instruments is a phenomenally written series that has held a special place in my heart since picked the first installment up as a young girl. It was written by Cassandra Clare who continues to amaze me with her ability to create such a fantastic world. The characters are deep, unique, and interesting--a combination that is hard not to love. While the world is nothing like we've seen before, the characters read so read that they ground us in this extraordinary reality.
This article is for all of the lovers of the Shadow World. Potential lovers are welcome (though spoilers are possible). Here are seven beautiful quotes from The Mortal Instruments.
Let's be honest, every girl wants to be loved by a guy like Jace loves Clary. (Initial uncertain family relation aside)
So many things can be learned from the wonderful character that is Magnus Bane. This is one lesson many of us could learn. Regret gets you nowhere, Mangnus understood the importance of this.
Isabelle was such a dynamic character. She was more than just a pretty face. She was intelligent and had struggled in life just like all of the other characters. Thank you, Cassandra Clare, for not making her just another pretty face because I think her words hit home for many of us.
Though the circumstances of the Shadow World are vastly different than the world we live in, the words of these characters still hold true. While, we may not have to defend humanity from what lurks in the shadows, there is beauty and horror in this world and not everyone sees it. Luke couldn't have said it better, just because you're different it doesn't mean your crazy.
Simon's humor is something we all can appreciate.
Sometimes in the midst of all his humor we forget that Simon, not unlike Isabelle, isn't just the "funny guy". His passion and pure heart really shine through in this quote.
This one really sums up major points of the story. When you let it sink it, you realize how absolutely beautiful and tragic these words are.
Of course, there are so many more beautiful quotes and words from this series that I could add, but if I used all of the words from this story that spoke to me, this list would be endless. This is the kind of story that grabs you by the hand, takes off, and refuses to let go until the very end. It's fantasy that feels real. It's the kind of story you fall in love with. So, if you haven't read it, or even heard of it, I'd highly recommend you change that.