Since I was a kid, I have always been an early riser. It is common when you are younger to wake up hours before any adult would want to, yet at age 18 it hasn't yet worn off on me. Most of my friends aren't even thinking about making plans for the a.m. on the weekends at college and on our lazy days at home over break, And I don't blame them. I would love to be able to sleep in, but I am never able to make myself stay in bed into the late morning. But I have begun to think that the reason I am always up and moving is that I love mornings. There is no better time of day than when you are just waking up and everything is a little slow and quiet. And over the years I have made a routine for myself that I wouldn't sacrifice to another hour of sleep.
If you are one of the people who doesn't appreciate an early start to the day, either by rushing right through them or staying up late so you can skip right over them, a routine that you enjoy can make the days where you have no choice but to confront the mornings hours a little more bearable.
Preparing a breakfast the night before can make it a little bit easier to skip the snooze and start your day well. There are hundreds of options, you just need to find what is right for you and what can motivate you to leave the warmth of your bed. A favorite of mine is overnight oats because it uses a few ingredients and is easy to make at home or in a dorm. If you are someone who doesn't have an appetite in the morning, making your favorite coffee or tea can give you time to wake up before jumping into a busy day.
Waking up with enough time is important to not feeling rushed and being able to enjoy a little morning routine. Though getting sleep is necessary and precious when you are a student or working, that extra 15 minutes would be better used awake than asleep. Using an app like Sleep Cycle is free and allows you to set an interval in which you want to wake up, and it will go off during your lightest sleep so you won't be as groggy.
Past 10 p.m., I don't want to do more homework and only want to crawl into my bed and watch an episode of "The Office" instead of finishing up assignments for the next day. Leaving a little bit of work for the morning can make you feel productive, if it is achievable. Setting aside an essay to do before 8:30 probably won't happen. But reading an article or submitting a comment online can start your day feeling focused.
With the start of a New Year, and many of us back on campus trying to adjust to early classes and busy days, mornings can be a time to set aside for yourself and start your day well as opposed to a dreaded alarm clock and hurried walk to class. Making an effort to find a routine that works for you can make your days a little less stressful.