For a lot of us, mornings are never easy and for those of you who hop out of bed with a smile on their face exuding a "good morning" attitude, know that I personally envy you. My mornings and the mornings of the other half of the population go a little less smoothly and involve us rolling out of bed 30 - to -, 50 minutes after we planned, groggily making our way to our caffeine source and cursing the sun for existing. However, don't worry late birds this worm is for you and is here to give you tips on how to make getting up in the morning not the worst thing you will do all day.
1. Quit abusing the snooze button. Once your little beady eyes are first harassed by the sun peeping through the cracks of your blinds the game is over and it is time to wake up. The first step in doing so is to recognize that no matter how hard you try to go back to sleep, it just won't happen or be substantial enough to make a difference to your day. No, I know what you're thinking and I don't care if you went to bed at three and feel like you deserve the five minutes extra of sleep, the answer is still no. Get up!
2. Take a shower that is on the cooler side. No, I am not talking about a completely cold shower like the one you took last night, but just one that is a little less warm than normal. The slight change in temperature will make functioning throughout your day seem possible by helping to promote alertness and increasing your ability focus. Lets be honest here, what I'm really saying is that the cool water is somewhat jarring and will give you the kick in the butt you need to get going.
3. Know why you are waking up. Be sure to have a plan for why you are starting your day at this time, have somewhere to be, things to do, or people to see. It will make waking up seem more like something you have to do rather than something you want to do which will make it an easier transition. Plus, waking up just to sit around all day doesn't come with the necessary motivation needed to persuade you to get out of bed.
4. Make your morning routine shorter. By this, I mean, don't spend an hour trying to find the perfect outfit or looking for the shoe that has found itself lost between the last time you wore it an now. Instead, set out your clothes and everything you will need to get ready the night before. The extra time in the morning will give you a positive attitude boost and help the day to seem less daunting. Additionally not having to rush around in the morning will decrease your stress levels, increase organization and ensure that you are on time or at the very least not as late as usual.
5. Get some sleep, you look terrible. A good morning does not just happen, you need to sleep to earn it. This means put down your phone at a decent hour, turn off Netflix, and tuck yourself into bed. Ideally you want to make sure you are getting anywhere from seven to nine hours of slumber each night, but because I know you are going to say that you are too busy or that OITNB is addicting, at least ensure that you get five or six hours of sleep.
Overall when it comes to waking up, just do it. I know that these tips are probably some you have heard before but really read them, learn them and most importantly do them. We all hate mornings, they are the extended commercial breaks to our nightly dreams but it is important that we at least try to get along with them. Don't spend your life being the grumpy troll looking individual, with the drool hanging out of their mouth, when you are out to breakfast with your friends- you know the one who nods and makes the ridiculous grunts to answer questions when it is earlier than 10 A.M. No, get some rest, work to shorten your routine, have a reason for waking up, take a cool shower and stop beating up your snooze button. Oh, and you really don't look terrible, sorry I said that- I had just woken up.