A majority of people don't set aside time in the morning for themselves. This could include meditation, working out, mindfully making a wholesome breakfast, or simply having coffee on the porch. We tend to wake up and instantly place ourselves into our busy lives, checking our emails and texts without a blink. Here are some reasons why you might want to change the way you think about your morning.
1. It means putting yourself first
When life gets crazy, the last thing on your mind is self-care. It takes effort to force yourself to pause a busy day and take some time for the things that are simply for you. It's better to just do it in the morning, before other commitments have stolen you away from yourself. You deserve to put yourself first every single day!
2. Do the hard things before you can even think about excuses
If you've been dreading that difficult assignment, plan to do it first thing after waking up. Lay everything out the night before, so in the morning, all you have to do is wake up and get into action. The morning is the best time to do something that you might easily procrastinate or not do at all, because you can get it out of the way before you can talk yourself out of it.
3. You will become a morning person
Humans are naturally tuned into the sun's daily cycle. It might not feel like it now, but you're actually a morning person! We feel uplifted and optimistic in the first few hours of the day, and our willpower, energy, and concentration gradually drop as the sun goes down. By waking up early for your morning routine, you are returning to your natural state of being alert and productive while the sun is rising up.
4. Healthy habits will suddenly become a part of your lifestyle
Have you ever wondered how some people commit to running, drinking green juice, meditating, or another healthy habit— every single day? Well, here's a hack for you: the easiest way to do something every single day is to do it in the morning. If you begin to allocate time to something every day, it becomes natural, and you will start to think of it as a non-negotiable activity that's simply "built" into your schedule. Like brushing your teeth! After doing your preferred habit every single morning for a short period of time, you'll realize that it no longer takes any willpower.
5. It will set you up for success, every day
No one wants to stumble through life, allowing stressful things happen to them and letting time slip away. Instead, you want to take charge of your life, and decide exactly how you spend your time. You want to feel confident, in control, and ready for life's curveballs. I strongly believe that a morning routine will set you up for a successful day, and one successful day after another leads to a successful life.
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Your morning routine is completely customizable, and it can change whenever you wish. I don't need to tell you what will make you happy, energized, and productive. What's important is that you start every day on the right foot, which will spread positivity into the rest of your life.