In this day and age, society is training us to wake up, make money, and be successful. While these things are things we should all strive towards, they should not be our main motivators to wake up each day. We need to take a step back and become in sync with ourselves. These easy tips will motivate you to wake up with the intentions to be the best you possibly can.
1. Wake up at a reasonable time.
If you're aiming to rejuvenate yourself, don't make yourself suffer. Give yourself a reasonable hour to wake up to every day but early enough to kick-start your day. Keep this time a constant, whether it is the week or weekend. This will ensure a healthier sleeping pattern.
2. Drink water.
As soon as you wake up, you should drink water. This kick-starts your metabolism and gives your body clues that you are waking up. Ultimately, this makes waking up a lot easier.
3. Stretch.
Getting out of bed and moving around wakes your body up and prepares you for the day ahead.
4. Take a hot shower.
Taking a hot shower is the perfect way to start off a relaxing day. Use a pleasant smelling body wash and put on some jams to relax. Take your time on this step to really relax.
5. Eat a healthy breakfast.
Eat a filling breakfast full of proteins to give you energy for the day. An example of a healthy and energizing breakfast could be as simple as eggs, toast, and berries on the side.
6. Exercise your brain.
Use your time while eating breakfast or after breakfast to wake your brain up. Read a chapter of a book or write a list of things you need to do during the day. Doing this will prepare you for your day and keep your brain active.
7. Do something you enjoy.
The final step before your day begins is to do something you enjoy. This step is almost always overlooked and replaced with work, school, or other responsibilities. Make time in your morning to do something you love. This will make you happy and motivate you to do the things that maybe aren't so fun throughout the day.