Let me set the scene up for you. It's six in the freaking morning and your alarm is YELLING at you to crawl out of bed. We are all guilty of grabbing our phone and pressing the big orange snooze button. Next thing you know, you look like you've been hit by a bus as you're slamming the covers down to your leaping feet. As you frantically find an outfit, brush your teeth and barely make it out the door you realize that you have once again worked up a sweat and you're still going to be late to work. I'm not doing this hellish routine anymore so let me tell you my morning secrets to actually sliding out of bed on time.
1. Set yourself up for success the night before.
Try and prepare your bag and lunch the night before. My morning runs a whole lot smoother when I am able to grab-n-go. Also, I never allow myself to go to bed with a messy room. Trust me, I'm more willing to get out of bed in the morning if I have a clean sight set before me.
2. Find an activity to do before bed.
I am so stressed and busy all the time that I forget how important it is to let my body burn off unwanted energy and unwind. My roommate and I have been making it a priority to spend a few minutes at the pool every night. It's actually something I now look forward too. I also sleep a loud better at night!
3. No screen time in bed.
I don't even have to go into depth about this one, but we are all guilty when it comes to getting lost in our Instagram feed. late at night. That blue light on your phone is also known to keep your mind wired and awake. So not helpful when you're trying to get some rest!
4. Calculate your sleep cycle before turning the light off.
People make fun of me for this one, but let me tell you. If you wake up when you are in a deep sleep cycle, your morning will suck. If you are tired of waking up tired, try and wake up when you are fading out of your last sleep cycle. Getting enough sleep is actually much needed to survive.
5. Put your phone a good distance away from your bed.
When my phone goes off, I have to physically get out of bed and turn my alarm off. Whatever you do... do not crawl back into bed. If you want to be truly cruel to yourself, put your phone in a new location every night and it'll be like a scavenger hunt every morning.
6. Pick an alarm sound that is soothing.
Nothing makes me angrier than hearing, "wah, wah, wah" loud and proud in the morning. It makes me wake up in a much nicer mood when I hear a sweet soothing song in the morning. Trust me, it's a mood changer.
7. Stretch. Stretch. Stretch.
Here is another one that I get teased for! I stretch every night before I go to be and in the morning. I swear by it, and let me tell you, I notice that I carry my stress better during the night. The best part is at night I don't tense up in my sleep. Thankfully, that means I don't wake up sore anymore! Your body is under so much more pressure than you realize.
8. Sleep with your blinds open.
I can see you all cringing at this one now. Sleep with my blinds open... why? It takes an adjustment, but it is guaranteed that you will wake up with the natural sunrise and feel more energized in the morning. Give it one week and then you will understand the benefit of it.
9. Give yourself something to look forward to in the day.
It is so easy to be a Debbie Downer. I always make it a point to schedule meaningful moments in my day. Whether it is lunch with a friend or a movie night. I try to make the best out of my day.
10. Make your bed.
I never use to make my bed in the morning because I was always running late, but also, I just didn't see the benefit in it. Lately, when my bed is made in the morning, I feel more put together. Give it a try! It won't kill you to look put together.
Don't get me wrong, there are days I stay up late and sleep the day away. I try not to let myself slip up though. Keeping myself on a schedule is the best thing I have decided to do. No longer am I not a morning person and I am much happier about it. I actually look forward to the morning time I get by myself. Improving my productivity levels have naturally boosted my ability to see the best in each day.