I am notorious for waking up late. I have never, ever been a morning person – getting through the few hours before 12 p.m. was always a great challenge.
Night has always been the time when I am able to focus, get all my work done, and really just get myself together. Of course, that means that my mornings are absolutely awful. I’m frustrated with everything and can barely keep my eyes open until at least 2 p.m.
This semester, however, I decided to change my habits. I wanted to be a morning person. So far, I’d say I’ve made some pretty good progress. Here’s how I’m doing it:
First, I made a routine. I plan to be ready to leave for class at a certain time every morning, regardless of how late I have stayed up the night before or when my first morning class started. Having a deadline forced me to get out of bed and start my day early, instead of 15 minutes before the start of class.
I open my blinds in the morning to let in natural light. I know so many people who prefer the darkness and keep their blinds shut tight every day, but letting the sun in every once in a while is good for the soul. Its energizing and lifts your mood. Plus, it wakes you up more gently than the harsh artificial light of your bedroom.
I set a goal to accomplish that morning. Having a little homework or task to complete in the hour or two before class starts gives the morning purpose. The responsibility of having something to accomplish while being awake keeps the temptation to go back to sleep away – your grade could depend on it.
I find something to look forward to every morning. Whether this is a latte from Starbucks or being able to wear a favorite jacket in cool weather, I make an effort to find something good in the morning, no matter how little it may be. It makes me enjoy leaving my apartment and starting my day.
I took my time getting ready in the morning. This was probably the strangest thing about starting my new routine. I was so used to waking up only a few minutes before class and running out the door that having more than just a handful of minutes to get ready was a shock. I was awake earlier with time to put on makeup, pick out something comfy to wear, and make sure I had all my books in my bag. Overall, I just felt more put together to start the morning.
Finally, I started appreciating the outdoors. Whether it was rainy or sunny, freezing or hot and humid, I began to notice and enjoy the feeling of fresh morning air. I started paying attention to how the leaves on the trees around campus gradually changed colors, and how campus has settled down since the start of school. It sounds cheesy, and it is, but sometimes the small things make a difference. The early walk to class has become so much easier.
Hopefully, these tips will help you reclaim your mornings. Trust me - if I can do it, anyone can!