People say college changes people... and they are right.
Beginning college is like starting a new way of life. You change schedules, you're introduced to new things, and you experience new experiences. There comes a time when old habits are dropped and new habits begin. As change begins and you get accustomed to college, here are a few habits worth starting:
1. Wake up early
Wake up early and plan to leave early. Always give yourself enough time in the mornings and always give yourself enough time to make it to class, because running to class is NEVER fun.
2.Do NOT press Snooze
We all know that waking up in the morning absolutely sucks, but its just something that has to happen. Some mornings you may just want to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep but in the long run it will be better for you if you just get up. In college absences add up fast and you can loose credit for an entire class just from being out.
Tip: Maybe try putting your alarm out of reach from your bed. If you have to get up to turn it off you are more likely to stay up.
3. Morning Cardio
Cardio in the morning will help wake up your brain and body. It'll help you feel more energized and will create a great start to your day.
4. Create daily To-Do lists
A lot of people are into To-Do lists, but if you make one at the start of each day, you can be sure to get everything done and be super organized!
5. Tidy Up
When you wake up in the mornings make a point to Tidy up your room. This can range from simply making your bed to washing whatever dishes are dirty. If you get this stuff done now, you will not have to worry about it later.
5. Create a routine
Maybe you had a morning routine in high school or maybe you just winged it, but college is the perfect time to begin a routine or to being a new routine. Creating a routine will help get yourself used to doing certain things every morning and in which order. Getting used to a routine will help you manage your time and make the morning a little more simple.
7. Have a Quiet time
Weather you are religious or time, set aside a quiet time for yourself. This may be a time where you do your own little bible study or even journal, meditate, or maybe just simply take some time for yourself. It will definitely do you good and you will not regret it.
College Life does not have to difficult and can become less stressful when you adopt some useful habits and a good routine. Always try to be on time to classes and begin your day with a good morning. If you begin your day great then you lead way into having a great day!