I was a junior in high school when my body was shocked by something unexpected: a migraine.
It was just a normal evening dance practice in a gym I had been in COUNTLESS times. Nothing about the day was out of the ordinary.
Until the migraine hit.
It was the first time I had ever experienced such a sudden, sharp pain in my head. Immediately, I KNEW it was not just a headache, it was something worse. Within minutes of that sharp pain, I began seeing spots and feeling nauseous. Because I had never felt anything like that before, I was not expecting to pass out until it happened.
Migraines started for me over four years ago and every day since, I have the looming fear that one will return at the worst possible moment. Since that dreadful day, I have talked to my doctor, been prescribed medication, and determined what triggers these attacks. Migraines interfere with my life. They can suck all the joy out of my day. They can steal my focus. They often can keep me from living. There have been NUMEROUS occasions where I have to miss a class, some of work, or even a social event simply because a migraine debilitates me from LIVING.
Teva Pharmaceuticals began their own campaign involving migraines called “More to Migraine” and it has GREATLY encouraged me as well as helped me. By visiting their website or Facebook page, you can learn all about how migraines affect people, hear stories from fellow sufferers, AND get advice on how to overcome these nasty headaches.
Teva even has Jennifer Morrison (from HOUSE, Once Upon a Time, Star Trek) as their spokesperson. Her story inspired me to write this and showed me that I am not alone in this. Even one of my absolute favorite actresses is a migraine sufferer and has taken a hold of hers by talking to her doctor and getting the help she needed.
Jennifer Morrison’s story and my story are not uncommon. My symptoms and triggers might differ from yours or another person, but the truth remains: Migraines are more than headaches.