I know, I know. There have been so many articles already written opposing what I am about to say. I understand that saying a girl shouldn't spend time with her boyfriend is absurd and just plain unfathomable. Hear me out, though, because that is not entirely what I'm saying.
There are girls who spend all of their time with their boyfriends. All of it. Morning until night, every meal, and everything in between, and see nothing wrong with that for days on end.
Isn't there a point, though, where that becomes too much? Don't you need time to yourself, or at the very least time to interact with someone else on a non-romantic level?
I'm not saying girls shouldn't spend time with their significant others. More power to you, sister. He is probably your best friend, and who wouldn't want to spend time with their best friend? But consider not spending so much time with him.
Take time for yourself. Spend time with your friends or your family.
By spending so much time with your significant other, you are not allowing yourself to function independently anymore. You are so obsessed with and so attached to one person, and so dependent on them for happiness and contentment. That's not healthy, for you or for him.
Realize that you need breaks and that functioning independently outside of the relationship is completely normal.
I've witnessed friends get into relationships and soon they are with their boyfriend all the time, for every second, forgetting the people who were around before him in exchange for this heart-eyes, gushy love that may not last.
Don't do that.
Spend time apart, don't get dependent, and check up on your friends. (They matter, too!)
There is more to life than the boy who has you all starry-eyed and blushing. Be your own person. Being with the boy that you love oh-so much is just a perk.