Dear Grandpa,
I would jump on the next bus, catch the next flight, and drive the long hours if I could get a chance to talk to you one more time. The two year anniversary is approaching and I'm not quite sure I'm ready. The holidays- they don't get that much easier. It brings back memories of you sitting in the recliner watching us all wide eyed and smiling as we open presents.
Ya see Grandpa, I just want to see your face as I tell you about all my plans, I wanna show you how far I have come to reaching my dreams, and I want to tell you how I've never been this happy before. I know you see it all while looking down from heaven- but I want to tell you- in person. Hear your voice again- hear you laugh-see you smile. I want to ask you what it is like up there. What was it like meeting Jesus? Do you laugh at all the stupid things we do down here on earth? Are you playing games? Are you farming?
I would take just a day trip, doesn't have to be long- just a few hours. Just know that everything I am doing- is for you. You helped me find my passion. I know you would be proud. Don't worry, I'm okay- but I still miss you.
P.S We are still taking good care of Grandma. It's a promise I won't break.
Forever love,