He is strong when we are weak. His strength is big enough to cover every single problem we face and He is faithful and will walk with us to the end.
So, if that is all true, why do we try so hard to do life on our own?
We have all heard the phrase "God won't give you more than you can handle." Perhaps you're going through a rough time right now and someone has said to you, in an attempt to encourage you that you are strong enough to face this season. That phrase is pulled out of context and ends up being more detrimental than encouraging. When you are trying to fight a battle alone and you feel you should be able to handle it because you think God said you are strong enough to, and then you end up struggling, that phrase won't feel so encouraging. It may even cause you to start blaming God for what you are going through or because you think He gave you too much to handle.
If we place that phrase back in context, it becomes comforting. God will not let you go through something alone. He is your source of strength to pull from, your stability, and the greatest comforter.
During hardship or in times we are trying to comfort a friend in hardship, we have to remember God's promises and make those things clear. God's promises are comforting during hardship, not lie and say we can do it all on our own. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul reminds us that we can even boast in our weakness! Why? Because God tells us, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." God promises us that He is strong when we are weak, and He will be faithful to complete any work that He started. In 1 Corinthians 10:13, He promises that He will not let us be tempted beyond our ability. The scripture does not stop at that point, though. He then says that He will provide a way to escape so that we can endure it. We must remember that God doesn't tell us that we have to be strong enough to walk through our battles, but that we must rely on Him as our source of strength and He will help us through it.
When you find yourself growing weaker and weaker in a situation, remember where your strength comes from. When you are tired and weary, let Him give you rest. You were never meant to do it on your own. When you find yourself failing, you may need to admit that it is more than you can handle on your own and let God hold you up. Rely on God to help you through your struggles and don't try to fight every battle alone.