Everyone has that one thing as a kid that they are a little over obsessed with. Whether it was a blanket, a stuffed animal, a television show, or even a game, we all have things we love that may seem weird to others. For me, Harry Potter has always had a special place in my heart. Now I know what you are thinking, this girl is an absolute freak. Well you are kind of right, but the thing is, I have just learned to embrace it.
When you find something in life that you are really passionate about, you do not just let others get in the way of that, do you? That is the way I think about things when someone jokes about my Harry Potter obsession. If you even know me the slightest bit, you are probably aware of this obsession and either pick on me for it, or are a super fan yourself. Every time one of my friends finds a Facebook link about Harry Potter, you can probably guess that they always tag me in it. My friends from school found the wand I bought at Harry Potter World and they joke about making me perform spells with it and stuff like that. I swear I am not that strange, but it does make me happy knowing that something in my life has stuck around and continued to make me happy throughout my childhood.
Harry Potter is not just a movie series or book series though. It has been something that has shaped my whole childhood, and still continues to impact my life today. It has taught me so many lessons that have stuck with me over the years. Harry has showed me that being brave and having courage will always help you in the end. The Weasley family has shown me that money is not everything. Hermione has shown me that it does not matter where you come from, hard work and dedication is key to being successful. Dumbledore has taught me to always stay humble. Sirius, Lily, and James have all taught me about sacrifice. Snape has showed me that people are not always as evil as you might think. Malfoy has made me realize that some people only act evil because of the family they grew up with. Voldemort has showed me that without love, your life is not one worth living. Hagrid has shown me that it is okay to be different because everyone is different in their own way. You see, it is not just a movie or book series for me. It has helped me in my journey to who I am today.
Sure, I get a little over excited when I see Harry Potter merchandise at stores, or I may have wanted to buy a Harry Potter decal for my car at one point in time, but everyone has things in life that they get excited about. As Rubeus Hagrid once said, “I am what I am an’ I’m not ashamed. ‘Never be ashamed,’ my ol’ dad used ter say, ‘there’s some who’ll hold it against you, but they’re not worth bothern’ with.” I am proud to call myself a Potterhead, and I would not want it any other way.