"Those who teach us most about humanity, aren't always humans." - Donald L. Hicks
Animals are not just creatures that live in our homes with us, they are teachers and listeners. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity just as much as any human being deserves to be. I have learned more from my pet than I have from many teachers in my lifetime.
I have learned the important of a shoulder to cry on. Although I cannot literally lay my head on my cats shoulder, she is always there to listen to me and snuggle with me when I need it the most. Without our snuggle sessions I probably wouldn't be as sane as I am right now.
I have learned the importance of talking about my problems. There are not many human beings I can talk to about my feelings, but I can trust my cat with anything because I know she can't tell anybody what I am saying to her. Being able to vent about my feelings to such an innocent life really helps.
My cat is not just a cat or a pet. I can honestly say that she is my best friend and one of the most reliable friends I have ever had. She isn't just a part of the family, she is what completes our family. May 12th will forever be one of my favorite days because that is the day that my best friend was born. I love celebrating holidays and taking on life with the most amazing sidekick a person could ask for.
I'm not sure what I would do without my best friend, and I don't want to think about it either. When the day comes it will be the hardest day of my life. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go snuggle with my cat.